Bare Oaks now has a video library that makes available some of the movies and videos that are in our collection. It is important to note that many videos are not consistent with naturist values. Many of them include content that is misleading, inaccurate, inappropriately titillating, sexist, objectifying, and exploitative. We have included them in the library because they offer context about how naturists were and are portrayed by mainstream society – sometimes with the cooperation of naturists themselves! The video server also gives access to the live local television channels that we capture with the antenna on our tower. These are the sameRead More →

This week’s episode of Murdoch Mysteries on CBC involved a “naturist colony”. Murdoch Mysteries is a drama, currently set in 1900, that revolves around Detective William Murdoch of the Toronto Constabulary who investigates murder using forensic techniques of the time. (think CSI from 100 years ago) The show is currently in its 6th season. While 1900 is a bit early for naturism in Canada, it is not completely out of the realm of possibility. They must have done their research well because they were fairly accurate about the philosophy – right down to the gruff German leader. (although at times, his accent sounded more ScottishRead More →

A report about Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park by Michael Donly of Rogers TV: More →