Whether it’s your first time with naturism or just your first visit to our park, you’ll find answers to your questions here.
Welcome to Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park! This website contains a tremendous amount of information about us and about naturism. But on this page, we have assembled the most common questions that people ask on their first visit.
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First Time Trying Naturism
- What about COVID-19?
- How long will it take to be comfortable?
- Do I have to undress right away?
- Do I have to be nude all the time?
- Where do I look when talking to someone?
- What if I meet someone I know?
- What should I bring?
- What if I get an erection?
- What if I am menstruating?
- Won’t it desensitize me to sexuality?
- What if I don’t look good enough to be nude?
- What is the difference between a nudist and a naturist? Do I have to call myself one? Do I have to join anything?
- Are tattoos, piercings, makeup, etc… allowed?
- What are the rules?
- What about children?
First Visit to
Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park
- Where are you located?
- What are your hours?
- What is there to do while I’m there?
- Can I stay overnight?
- Can I buy food while I’m there?
- Does your restaurant sell alcoholic drinks?
- Are there any cooking facilities that I can use?
- Can I drink the water?
- When is the best time for a first visit?
Save time on your first visit by filling out this form in advance.
How will your first visit go?
Watch this First Time Experience video to find out:
Note: If you have trouble playing the video below, you can watch it on YouTube instead.

What are you doing about the pandemic/COVID-19?
We have a page that lists all of our precautions and restrictions. Please click here.
How long will it take to be comfortable?
Everyone is different. Some feel instantaneously comfortable the minute they shed their clothing. Others need a lot more time to adjust. We all know that logically, there is no reason to be uncomfortable with our bodies. But emotionally, that’s a different story. We have gone through years of socialization which has taught us to be embarrassed, ashamed and even offended by our own image. So naturism is a form of therapy to help us reconnect with ourselves. When it comes to our bodies, many of us have the symptoms of an emotional disorder called a phobia (gymnophobia: fear of nudity). To treat a phobia, you need to first recognize it. Then treatment is all about desensitization through exposure (pardon the pun). So it may take a person many visits to get comfortable and it may take some effort. Likely it will be an ongoing form of therapy since few of us live in a naturist world. In mainstream society, we are constantly bombarded with messages that reinforce gymnophobia. But naturism does provide an antidote. It should be taken liberally and frequently. Fortunately, it becomes quite delightful with time. In fact, it can be addictive but only with positive side effects.
Do I have to undress right away?
We understand that people new to naturism need some time to adjust. If you or someone in your party chooses to stay clothed during the adjustment period, please be respectful of others. Be discreet. Find a quiet spot where you can take some time to adjust. Clothing is never permitted while swimming or using the sauna, whirlpool or showers.
Do I have to be nude all the time?
We believe that naturism is a life philosophy with physical, psychological, environmental, social and moral benefits. We try to live a naturist life and nudity is key to body acceptance and an integral part of our naturist creed. As such, we are not clothing-optional. Clothing is worn only for protection. To understand when clothing is appropriate, please read our Member and Visitor Agreement.

You may also want to read the page that explains Why Nudity is Required.
Where do I look when talking to someone?
Of course, the polite thing to do is to look at people in the eyes when you are talking to them. But it is okay and normal to look at the entire body. Out of curiosity you may initially look longer at others’ genitals and breasts when you are new to naturism. Just don’t stare. In time, you’ll be less curious about these areas and concentrate again on the face and eyes.
What if I meet someone I know?
They are there for the same reason you are so nobody will be embarrassed. They will probably be happy to see a friendly face that shares their interest in naturism.
What should I bring?
Bring sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, a towel to sit on and perhaps a second towel to dry off after swimming. (we do have rental towels in the office) To register you’ll need a payment method and photo identification. You may also want to bring something to eat and drink, a book to read, and a bag to carry everything around.
What if I get an erection?
This is the most common concern among men but it is also a very rare occurrence. The combination of the non-sexual environment and the unfamiliarity of a first-time visit serves to minimize the issue. But an erection is a natural part of life. Naturists realize this and will not take offense as long as it is not being flaunted. If you get an erection, a strategically placed towel, a dip in a cool pool, or rolling over on your stomach will take care of it.
What if I am menstruating?
Menstruation is a natural and accepted part of life. Many naturist women choose to use tampons, which allow them to take part in naturist activities unhindered. Some women who are not comfortable with tampons will use alternatives like menstrual cups, menstrual pads, or period panties. Wearing bottoms with a pad is perfectly acceptable. If you choose to put on a bottom during your period, please make sure that the item is consistent with naturist values. In other words, it should not be enticing or suggestive. It should not serve as a fashion accessory because clothing is not a means of expression in naturism. Please select a bottom that is simple and functional.
As you may already know, it is important to remember that wearing a pad in any body of water will no longer be an effective means of absorption as they can begin to disintegrate or “leak”. This means you cannot use the swimming pool, ponds, whirlpool, or showers while wearing your bottoms.
Won’t it desensitize me to sexuality?
Sexuality is in the mind. People are aroused at seeing nudity because their minds have been trained that way. But if that was the only source of sexual arousal, couples would lose their sex drive very quickly. Yet couples still report a satisfying sexual relationship even after decades together. Naturists dispense with the artificiality of a sexuality based on hidden body parts. Instead they can focus on a complex and intimate sexuality. Furthermore, naturists are comfortable with nudity so they don’t experience any self-consciousness about their body.
What if I don’t look good enough to be nude?
The fact you are asking yourself the question is exactly why you need to be nude. Naturists take their clothes off for themselves and out of respect for others. Each person is unique and there’s no such thing as a perfect body. Naturism is a form of therapy that will help you realize that bodies comes in all shapes and sizes. With time, you’ll come to appreciate that older bodies also reveal the marks of a well-lived life.
What is the difference between a nudist and a naturist?
Do I have to call myself one of them? Do I have to join anything?
No, just like you can go to a vegetarian restaurant, eat vegetarian food and enjoy it without being a vegetarian. We provide an environment where people can be naturists and follow the values of naturism. But not everyone here does and you don’t have to either. For some of our members/visitors, it is simply a recreational activity because they enjoy being free of clothing. To understand the difference between nudism and naturism, read our article on ethical naturism.
Are tattoos, piercings, makeup, etc… allowed?
Yes but what it means depends on you. Is it about hiding or enhancing any of your body parts or is it just an accessory that conveys your individuality? Are these decorations a means of self-expression or are they intended to elevate yourself above others? Only you can answer those questions. We provide an environment that makes it easier for people to accept who they are. We can’t force anyone to do that but your behaviour may betray your intent. You need to determine your motivation for these adornments and whether it is consistent with naturist values.
What are the rules?

Not that different from what you would find at any campground or country club. Please read our Member and Visitor Agreement.
What about children?
Children are the most natural naturists. They benefit from naturism in many ways. But people do have many concerns. Which is why we created the page about Children in Naturism.
Where are you located?
About a 30 minute drive north of Toronto. Visit our Contact page for maps, GPS coordinates, and a variety of directions.
What are your hours?
Day visitors can only visit when the office is open and must leave when the office closes. Those hours vary seasonally. Please visit our Contact page for our business hours.
Registered overnight visitors (campground or guest rooms) have full access during their stay.
Members have access to the facilities 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.
What is there to do while I’m there?
We have a wide variety of activities available. Please visit our Amenities page for details.
There are also many planned events. Please see our calendar for details.
Can I stay overnight?
Yes! Please see our Accommodations page.

Can I buy food while I’m there?
Our restaurant is called the Bare Bistro. It offers meals and drinks (including beer & wine) but their hours are limited – particularly in the off-season. For hours and the menu, please visit the Bare Bistro website.
During office hours, you can also purchase snacks, ice, drinks and other necessities at the Bare Boutique.
Finally, there are many restaurants and grocery stores within a few minutes drive – either in Mount Albert or Newmarket.
Does your restaurant sell alcoholic drinks?
Yes, the Bare Bistro is licensed under the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario.
Are there any cooking facilities that I can use?
In the lower level of the clubhouse, there is a small kitchen that members can use which includes a refrigerator and microwave.
Can I drink the water?
You can safely drink the water at Bare Oaks. Two wells supply water into our treatment and distribution equipment. The system is registered and inspected by the government and must meet very strict standards. The water is filtered, disinfected with UV light, chlorinated and tested daily for adequate chlorine. Further tests are conducted periodically, by an independent laboratory, to ensure the absence of a multitude of biological and chemical substances. The system was designed and certified by an engineer. Finally, it is operated and monitored by people who have been trained and accredited.
But if you prefer, we also sell bottled water in the Bare Boutique/Office.
When is the best time for a first visit?
Generally, naturism is at its most delightful on a warm, sunny day. It is during the summer that Bare Oaks Family Naturist park is most magnificent. Otherwise, it depends on what you are looking for. Weekdays are the quietest and weekends are the busiest. Holiday weekends and special events are when we can exceed capacity. But all that is still dependent on the weather forecast.
Are there lots of young people?

There are people of all ages and sexes in a ratio that is roughly proportional to the population of Canada. Young people are busier with their social life and career so they spend less time at the park. But retired people have much more free time and may spend the entire summer at their trailer. If you only want to be surrounded by young nimble bodies you will definitely be disappointed. That is not what naturism is about.
I’m single, can you help me meet someone?
Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park is a place where people come to relax and enjoy the benefits of naturism. While there are single adults who visit, they are not likely there because they are trying to meet anyone. In fact, they may be looking for seclusion and an escape from the dating scene. If you do visit Bare Oaks, you should be mindful of this possibility when approaching them because your advances could easily be misinterpreted as harassment.
You may want to review the page on Making Friends in naturism.
I am looking to be more sexually adventurous, is this the place to do it?
NO!! Despite a century of telling people that naturism is not about sex, this fallacy remains. That’s likely because naturism and nudism have also been continuously exploited. From the very beginning of the movement, there have been people who have exploited us. They go against the very core values of our movement. They objectify our bodies and sexualize our activities. They turn our philosophy into a source of personal gain. (money, sex, power, pride, etc…) Some of them even pander to deviants but conceal themselves beneath the cloak of legitimacy that naturism provides.
People are inherently sexual but a true naturist environment is no more sexual than walking down the street. In the May 1987 edition of the Journal of Sex Research, Dr. Marilyn D. Story concluded that nudists had a lower incidence of deviant sexual behaviour than the general population.
If this question is at all relevant to you, we strongly suggest you review the Sexuality section of the Member and Visitor Agreement.