We thought that we were doing a good job of keeping everybody informed. Then we learned that some people were not aware of the many different methods that existed to keep in touch with what is happening at Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. So we are going to make a concerted effort to be better communicators about our communications! We have added several new electronic contact options. Plus we have installed a bulletin board in the clubhouse that features a paper version of the news and events for those who don’t use the internet.

So keep in touch using:

  • Email: Subscribe on the front page of the Bare Oaks website at www.BareOaks.ca and get blog updates by email. Or click here to subscribe right now.
  • Website: Read the blog right on the website at blog.BareOaks.ca.
  • Twitter: Get notifications of new posts (with a link) at twitter.com/BareOaksPark
  • Facebook: Become a fan of our facebook page and read the blog on the page or get notices of new posts on our wall. facebook.com/BareOaksPark
  • Blog RSS/Atom feed: If you know how to subscribe to an RSS or Atom feed you can get updates in your favourite feed reader. blog.BareOaks.ca/feeds/posts/default
  • In person at the park: You can read printouts of the blog posts and the calendar on the bulletin board at the member’s entrance near the store/office. But remember that it may take the paper format a few days to catch up with the electronic version.

Note that the events posted on the calendar are not announced in the blog newsletter. There are just too many of them. To keep up with those, view the calendar atwww.bareoaks.ca/Bare-Oaks/Events.html or subscribe to the Bare Oaks Google Calendar.

We use Google Calendar to publish Bare Oaks’ Event Schedule. This gives you a great deal of advantages. You can subscribe to our calendar and it will then be included in your own calendar. Events will be automatically updated. You can also add specific events to your calendar or subscribe to event reminders. For more information, go to http://www.google.com/intl/en/googlecalendar/overview.html

If you have an ICS/iCalendar enabled calendar program (e.g. Microsoft Outlook 2003, Mozilla Calendar or Apple iCal) you can subscribe to the calendar and have Bare Oaks events automatically added. The calendar address is:


More information on the iCalendar format can be found at:


…or you can read the printed version of the calendar on the bulletin board inside the clubhouse near the store/office.