Parents should expose their children to the wholesome nudity of naturism to counteract the body-shame created by society and social mediaRead More →

One might think it’s an odd time of year in which to encourage people to consider how to incorporate naturism into their lifestyles, yet it is ideal in many ways. While we all reflect on the past year and step into 2023, there’s no better time for people to examine their thoughts and feelings around their bodies. It doesn’t mean they should be berating themselves about all the wine and chocolate they consumed around the clock during the holidays — just the opposite. It’s a great time to embrace their natural self and consider any negative feelings they may have about nudity, and what causesRead More →

Two changes to our Saturday kids’ club: It is now FREE because we want everyone to have a chance to participate It starts at 11 a.m. so that parents don’t have to rushRead More →

Starting on Saturday and every Saturday until Labour Day. Two hours of fun with games, crafts, and stories for the kids aged 3 and up; and a two hour break for parents. Meet at the rock in front of the clubhouse. $10/kid – tax included. Buy it ahead or pay cash in person – but the maximum is 10. Available only to the children of members and registered visitors. More →

Yes, family weekend is on!  All activities have been planned to be family-unit oriented, to avoid contact, and to maximize physical distancing between unrelated people. For all our pandemic info: A weekend of events with an emphasis on family fun! Activities, challenges, contests, entertainment, crafts, games and all-around fun for kids of all ages. Event info: Special pricing: More →

There has been a rumour going around that children are not welcome at the Halloween Dinner and Dance. It is the policy of Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park that nobody is excluded from any park-sanctioned activity. That includes events organized by volunteer members and approved by the social committee. With regards to the upcoming Halloween Dinner and Dance, we have spoken to the organizers and they told us that they are not excluding children from attending. In order to emphasize this, they are now offering a half-price ($10) ticket for children 10 and under. There certainly are events at Bare Oaks that may be better suitedRead More →

The start of an annual tradition – a weekend of events with an emphasis on family fun! Activities, challenges, contests, entertainment, crafts, games and all-around fun for kids of all ages. 3rd Weekend in July July 21-22, 2012 Discounted rates are available for visiting families. (If staying overnight, reservations are strongly recommended.) Naturism is a family activity that is good for kids: Read about raising Children in Naturism. Family WeekendRead More →

video platform video management video solutions video player Why does the 20/20 interviewer assume that there’s something wrong with children being nude or seeing their parents nude? As we know, being ourselves is natural. Instead of searching for experts who can tell you how wrong it is, why not look for research on the topic? There are a multitude of scholarly research studies on this topic in psychology and sociology that have shown that children raised with social nudity benefit from the practice. Instead of assuming that children in a naturist environment are somehow at risk, why not consider the facts first? Clearly keeping kidsRead More →