Michele Rauter has joined us for the month of June to help develop Bare Oaks’s volleyball program. She will be participating in our 9th GTA Naturist Volleyball Tournament where she will provide coaching in clinics for all all players at all levels. Michele is a self-described flower child from the great north; born and raised in North Vancouver, BC. She spent most of her youth on courts, tracks, and fields as a multi-sport athlete. Excelling in many but deciding on One, she attended the University of Wyoming on a full volleyball scholarship which began her path around the world. She followed that with professional playRead More →

Dear Anonymous, Since you didn’t leave any contact information, this is the only way we can respond to your concerns. Thank you for contacting Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park. We do appreciate receiving both compliments and complaints. We are sorry that you were dissatisfied because either you or someone else in your party (you are not clear in your letter about who was affected) were not allowed to walk around clothed. As you correctly pointed out, we did have a clothing-optional area during our volleyball tournament but you also found that option to be disagreeable. You should be aware that this is an unusual compromiseRead More →

Most people in North American society appear to suffer from a phobia of nudity – either their own or of seeing that of others. The problem with this fear is that is leads people to be uncomfortable with their own bodies. It results in them being ashamed, embarrassed, and even offended by their own image. The emotional reaction can negatively impact self-esteem and self-confidence. Fear of nudity has an official name – Gymnophobia. MedTerms Medical Dictionary Gymnophobia: An abnormal and persistent fear of nudity. Sufferers of this phobia experience undue anxiety even though they realize their fear is irrational. They may worry about seeing othersRead More →