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Eat all weekend!
For the first time, we’re going to have food service available all weekend! Chef Kathryn Munro is going to provide catered meals the Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning. She has put together a fabulous menu! On Saturday night, we will have our monthly dinner and dance – also catered by Chef Kathryn Munro ...
The new Bare Oaks map
We have just posted, in the amenities section, the new illustrated map of Bare Oaks. It will help visitors visualize the many features of the property. It was drawn by a very talented artist named Martin Lane. One of the advantages of an illustration is that as facilities are added, the map can easily be updated. It’s also a great way to show a large space because you don’t have to worry about scale. You can see a larger format version by clicking here ...
It feels like summer!
The sun is out and the predicted high is 26 degrees Celsius but the thermometer reads 30 on the front deck. The leaves are just starting to sprout and the Trilliums are blooming everywhere! As I update this Blog from the front deck, someone walks by and the fragrance of suntan lotion reaches me. Now it really feels like summer!! ...
Prices reduced for overnight camping
In reviewing our prices for overnight camping, it was clear that we were discouraging overnight visitors with our prices. As such, the overnight camping prices have been severely reduced. But keep in mind that if some prices seem ridiculously low (e.g. $5/night) it’s because they don’t include the ground fees. See our rates at: ...and yes, we do accept Canadian Tire money 😉 ...
Seasonal Water is ON
The seasonal water system is now working so all trailers now have access to running water. We need to remind you that although the water is filtered and chlorinated, we do not meet the Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s standards for drinking water. The York Region Health Inspector tested our water in March and told us that we met regulation 252 because he believed that we were a trailer park or campground with less than five service connections. However, because we are a campground with year-round use and more than 5 connections, we must meet regulation 170. (Municipal Residential Drinking ...