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News, updates, and information about Bare Oaks Family Naturist Park as well as general topics about naturism.

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We now have large recycling bins for paper, glass, plastic bottles and cans. The recycling bins are located near the clubhouse. Please make sure to sort your recyclables in the appropriate container. Remember, every aluminum can you recycle saves enough electricity to keep a TV going for 4-5 hours! Also, please do not put any chemicals, pesticides, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, used oil, paint or other hazardous waste in the dumpster. Those chemicals will contaminate the environment if dumped in a landfill. They need to be taken to the hazardous waste depot. Computers, microwaves, smoke detectors, computer monitors and other electronics ...
Incredibly warm Sunday!
It was great to see how many people turned out for the hot weather and sunshine on Sunday! Other than the fact the leaves were missing and the grass was brown, it felt like a hot July day. It is also clear that we will have some parking challenges when things get really busy. It’s certainly a great problem to have! ...
Where's the free coffee?
Many people have asked for expanded food services. When members and visitors come up for the day, they want to relax and sometimes that means having someone else do the cooking and cleanup. That’s certainly true of country clubs. They all have restaurants. Like them, we would like to have a restaurant and maybe even a liquor license in the near future to improve our members’ experience at Bare Oaks. Unfortunately, restaurants in country clubs and campgrounds don’t make any money either. The challenge for a restaurant at Bare Oaks is having enough sales to support itself given that it ...
New Events Posted
Events to the end of the year have now been posted. Some are still light in detail. Keep checking as more information will be added as events details are firmed up. As well, we expect additional events will be added! ...
Website Launch
It has been a lot of work but the new site is finally up. There is more content missing including a French-language version ...