Two months after we started, the pool is finally open!  After a lot of work, the leak was found under the deck. We broke up the concrete and our pool company came and repaired the broken pipe. The concrete deck was repaired. The pool was then cleaned and the chemistry was brought into balance. The York Region health unit came to inspect and authorized opening!  There is still a bit more work to be done to fix the south part of the deck. But that has been blocked off for now so the pool can be used!Read More →

When we started work on opening the pool in April, we found that it lost a significant amount of water overnight. Clearly, something broke over the winter. We spent several days trying to locate a leak but couldn’t find anything. We then scheduled a visit by a pool company but they could not find any visible leaks either. They suggested a specialized business that can find underground leaks. That company came and found that the leak is below the concrete deck. We are now waiting for the pool company to come and break up the concrete, replace the broken pipes, and repour the deck. OnceRead More →

It’s official!  We are entering “Step 1” of Ontario’s reopening plan on Friday!  That means: The Bare Bistro patio is open!  (you can also still do take-out) Overnight stays in campsites, rooms, and cabins are back! The pool is open! Yoga and Meditation are both in person (outdoor, maximum of 10) and online! Complete details here: Since the Victoria Day weekend, we have been on summer hours (9am – 7pm Sun-Thu & 9am-9pm Fri-Sat)Read More →

For weeks people have been asking when they will be able to come and camp. Some very patient folks have been making reservations and resolutely moving them forward as we waited for the government to reopen short-term camping. Well that day has finally arrived!! The government is allowing us to enter stage 2 reopening which means that starting on Friday June 19th: Overnight camping is allowed The Bare Bistro patio is open The pool is open (assuming the York Region Health inspector comes in time to approve it) As we have announced previously, you can also book cabins, guest rooms, and visit for the day.Read More →

The pool is now open for the season! But with a new season comes new government regulations. Despite the fact that our water treatment system is fully automated, we now need to test every 4 hours to confirm that the system is actually working. Previously, testing in the morning was deemed adequate. That means that the pool can only be open when there is staff on duty to test it. This new regulation also applies to the hot tub. Pool and Hot Tub Hours: Sunday – Thursday 9am – 9:30 pm Friday & Saturday 9am – 1:30am Sunday before a holiday Monday 9am – 1:30amRead More →

We just got the OK from the health department. Everything is working as it should be! It’s a bit cold right now but we’re diverting the water through the hot tub heater to give it a boost. Once it’s a bit warmer, the solar heater will do the rest.Read More →

Alas, patching the existing liner has failed. But the good news is that you can fix a lot of things if you’re willing to spend a lot of money. We have order a new liner and paid for rush service. It should be ready early next week. The installers are putting a rush on it too and it should be installed next week – if the weather is good. You can’t install a liner in a sand-bottom liner pool if it is raining. We have also scheduled trucks to bring water to fill the pool with water. That is much more expensive but the poolRead More →

Right on the heels of major problems with the hot tub, the pool is giving us more trouble. As most people know, the pool had a leak in the pipes last year. We applied some temporary fixes that kept the pool running rather than shutting it down for the end of the season. But we had to bypass the solar heater so it was cold! We dealt with the leak in the pipes this spring. But we had to pump out the water to do it and that complicated things. As everyone noticed, the weather was very cold late into the spring. The liner needsRead More →

As many people have noticed, the water in the pool in August was unusually cold. A leak in a pipe meant that we were unable to use the solar heating system. Because the leak was located below the concrete deck, a repair would have meant rendering the pool inaccessible for the remainder of the season. Rather than do that, we opted to keep it open without heat. Now that Labour Day has come and gone, it is time for us do make repairs. As such, the pool will be closing for the season effective Monday, September 9th. We apologize for this premature closing. But with theRead More →

We were finally able to open the pool on Thursday! We apologize for the delay. We had a number of technical problems to address over the last few weeks. Of course, it’s a bit cold this weekend but the heat is on its way.Read More →